Wednesday, May 18, 2016

Fundraising success!

Less than three weeks until the Avon39, and we've met our fundraising goal of $3,600!  Thank you to all of you for your support....

Now it's time to focus on our fitness training!

Sunday, May 1, 2016

The final countdown... we're almost ready!

One month to go until our 39.3 mile Walk to End Breast Cancer!  Our plane, hotel and other travel plans are all set, and we're getting excited!  But we're not ready yet.  Now it's time to step up on training! 

A 39.3 mile walk requires lot of physical stamina... after all, that's a marathon and a half in distance.  Bo has been taking lots of long walks on the scenic trails around Nevada City and Grass Valley.  Meri has been cycling to work (up and down a mountainside).  And both of us have been continuing to Zumba at Rhythms Fitness Studio. 

Our hike fundraiser on April 17 was a great success, but we're still not quite done yet!  We are still $200 short of our $3,600 fundraising goal.  Please check out our official Avon39 team page (click Donate Now on the menu above), and help us finish our financial goal so we can focus on our training goal!